Dec 7, 2020
In this episode, we discuss a biological phenomenon that has been mistaken for a supernatural experience for hundreds of years. People of the past believed demons, witches, or spirits were sitting on their chests while they slept, crushing them, but today this experience is known as sleep paralysis, and it's far...
Nov 23, 2020
Bloodletting is an ancient treatment that persisted until the 18th century. One of the techniques used to let blood were leeches, blood-sucking worms. In this episode, we discuss both the history of bloodletting and these fascinating yet creepy creatures.
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Nov 9, 2020
One of the most common types of magic in the ancient Graeco-Roman world were curses. These binding spells were placed on special tablets & figurines that have since been unearthed by archaeologists. In this episode, we discuss these curse tablets, & how they were made & used.
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Oct 12, 2020
On March 31, 1922, an entire family and their maid were murdered in their home, an isolated farmstead in Bavaria, Germany, known as Hinterkaifeck. The killer has never been discovered, and a web of mystery has been woven around the incident since it occurred. In this episode we discuss the case, the suspects, and try to...
Sep 28, 2020
In the past, tsantsas, or shrunken heads, were made by the Shuar people of Ecuador and Peru. These ritual items were part of a complex system of power among the Shuar, but were later traded to fascinated Westerners for guns and other metal goods. In this episode, we discuss the Shuar, how tsantsas were made, and...